Meldrum Bay Marina, Campground…..and Beach!

It’s official, Meldrum Bay Marina and Campground now has its own beautiful sandy beach! This important project is the result of a lot of hard work by our own DCIA members, and some generous donations from members of our community. All parties understood how important it was to have a safe and beautiful place to swim and enjoy the ‘cool’ waters of Meldrum Bay. It is nestled between the breakwater and the point before the Day Boat Launching. An enormous amount of thanks goes to Mark Wickett of Lafarge Canada for the donation of aggregates and to Paul Atkinson for the donation of funds required to move the aggregates to our property.

The community of Meldrum Bay welcomes you all to our new Campground Beach! The beach is unsupervised, so always monitor children at play. The warm weather is upon us, so we hope to see our community members and Campground and Marina guests out there soon!

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